Friday, May 01, 2009

My poor baby.... I cant take it anymore...

This is what my little man looked like before I took him to school. I hate seeing him like this. He was cleared up last night, and now like this. I hope when i pick him up from school its gone! Pray for my little man if you get a chance...... it looks like it hurts so bad. He acts normal, but today I could tell he was in a little bit pain.

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Sara O said...

I am such a bad sister-in-law. I missed your birthday and it sounds like you guys have had it rough the past couple of weeks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We miss you guys and can't wait to get a chance to see those kiddos! I'm heading up to MA this weekend - just me and the kids - flying - pray for us! Hope to see you soon! XOXO Love you guys!!!

Teal said...

That poor little boy! ok, so I want to know what it is...what did the doctor say?