Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Work in progress.....

Lets just say putting Willie in his crib is still a work in progress. I am not as insane as I was that last time I posted but we still have some work to do. I still have to feed him before I put him down , which normally makes him fall asleep. Will has yet to get Willie to take a bottle, so its been hard on me having to put him down with out him wanting Mommy's boobies! he he did I just say boobies. I have classical music playing in his room all the time. My Little man sure loves that kind of music! His Aunt Sarah would be so proud. So thank you all for your prayers, and please continue to pray for us! Willie is almost there, just a few more days and I think we have a winner. A little man in his crib and a mommy and daddy in there OWN bed! Alleluia!

This blanky isnt mommy,,, but it will do!