Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My brave little girl..

Well most of you know Jackie had her tonsils and adenoids taken out yesterday. It has been a long journey for us all! With a lot of prayer, will and I knew this was the best decision for her. We had to be at the sx center at 630 am.. so needless to say we were all tired. My parents surprised Jackie rose by being there at the center when we got there. That really meant a lot to her and put a big smile on her face! By the time we filled out paper work, got her checked in, dressed and ready for sx it was 715. And then it happened , before I knew it, I was walking my baby down a long hallway to her sx room. I put her little body on this big white table. Held her hand, then they put this little mask over her nose and mouth. Before I knew it my sweet little girl was off to dream land. Then they kicked me out and back to the waiting room I went! SHESH. I wasn’t ready to let go of that little hand. All of a sudden my heart was pounding, I just wanted to grab her and run out of there. But thankfully God was telling me, it was going to be ok… and sure enough all was well. The sx was scheduled for 45 mins, but only 20 mins later they came out to tell me all went well. Man I was freaked out. Thinking he went to fast , what if they couldn’t do it. once again I was going crazy. But the doctor came out. Said they were gross and ready to come out, but that he also found she has a bad sinus infection. So on top of all that pain, she has even more pain. My poor baby. We went to the recovery room where she came out on a stretcher. She woke up and jumped into my arms. I held her for awhile while she slept. But then other peoples kids were coming out and those kids wouldn’t stop crying. Brats! So they woke Jackie up. That girl was up from that moment on till I made her finally go to sleep at 1 pm. I couldn’t believe it! yesterday she was pretty good. still loaded w/ all the drugs. But this morning at 5 am, she came crying. Saying her throat hurt. That she couldn’t swallow. It was so sad. I drugged her up and tried to get her to sleep but , no luck. In fact we are still up. I guess the Tylenol w/ codeine keeps her wired. Tons of ice cream , popsicles, pudding, and applesauce later she feels better. We have played a few board games, read tons of books, and now I am trying to get her to relax in bed. Which is what the doctor ordered! Thanks for all of your prayers. Please keep them coming. Jackie will be in pain for the couple of days…. It’s so sad. Enjoy the pictures.. the last one is from today eating her 2nd bowl of sherbet ice cream!

The cool playroom we got to play in before we walked the long hallway.

TTrying to get some sleep...

She loves her ice cream.

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Elizabeth and Jace's Mom said...

So glad she did ok....I know how awful it is to watch your kids suffer so my prayers are definitely with you all as she recovers!